Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pattern Review: Vogue 8942

Product page for Vogue 8942

Completed owl bag

Funny that the first pattern review on here would be a quirky bag; I don't usually sew bags of any kind let alone owl shaped ones. But I've owned up to The Weird: Unapologetic weirdo here. And I like owls.

It doesn't state a difficulty level on the pattern envelope and the techniques required aren't super advanced. But this was a challenging project! Small bulky pieces being sewn to other small bulky pieces? Faux fur and pleather? *krusty the clown groan* The pattern itself is good, and issues I had were small and easily fixed. I'll note them later. The end result looked as promised, pretty much (I used different materials). The pictures I took for this review while assembling the bag are kind of bizarre. That was a reward in itself.